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There are basically two ways to set your trigger.


  • Single-stage trigger / direct trigger: two-stage trigger

  • Two-stage trigger: first stage + two-stage trigger


In the 1st variant, the first stage travel + first stage weight is set to zero. That means there is only the pressure point. This setting is often used in conjunction with a low trigger weight. In the second variant, the more common variant, the trigger process consists of two steps: First, the first stage is overcome until you feel the pressure point and only then is the trigger released.

... is the technical term for your shooting position. In the following, the technical term describes the outer and inner stop, whereby both should be in harmony in order to achieve good performance.

Outer stop: The outer stop describes your shooting position as it looks from the outside. That means, for example, how wide you stand with your feet, how your shoulders are positioned, where your left arm rests, etc. These settings should be based on your body proportions and adhere to certain parameters in order to develop the best possible strength.

Inner attack: The inner attack affects all the sensations in the body that you feel while you are in your shooting position. This is, for example, about the feeling you have when you hold your sports equipment at the ready. Which muscles are tense? Which ones do I want to tighten? Which ones do I want to consciously relax?


The abdomen is a form of breathing that often occurs in meditation techniques or yoga and is supposed to have a relaxing effect. In contrast to chest breathing, abdominal breathing lifts the abdomen a little - you breathe into the abdomen - and has a very positive overall effect on the organism.

Posture training is a form of training in which you can stabilize your outer stroke, but you concentrate primarily on the inner feeling of the stroke. That means completely without ammunition and without dry trigger. Only you in your attack position. This form of training works best if you stand very close to a wall with your run. This allows you to concentrate fully on your inner feeling. However, holding training does not mean that you remain in your shooting position for minutes. That would put too much strain on your bones and muscles. Rather, you take your stop position, stay in it, feel how your muscles change or not, consciously tense your muscles and relax them again and then you put your sports equipment down again. You do it at your own pace. The better you get, the longer your holding training can get. At the beginning, a rhythm of 30/30 is recommended - which means hold for 30 seconds, pause for 30 seconds.


Follow-up is the process that takes place or should take place immediately after the shot is fired (dry or sharp) ... Follow-up is one of the basic characteristics for a successful shot. During the follow-up process, the aiming eye remains on the target and virtually looks after the shot. This should always end with a self-check - first I ask myself where the shot is on the target and only then do I look where it actually is and correct it if necessary.

The zero position describes the position that your attack has in the neutral state and that it feels like you could shoot a ten. Ie without moving your stop with muscle power in any direction. If the zero position is specifically adjusted, this can have an impact on the level of your stop (high, low) and / or on the direction (left, right).

SCATT device:
The SCATT device is representative of all devices that can graphically display the target path on the target. Such analysis methods are very useful to see how you move on the disc and what you are doing well or where you still have room for improvement.



In dry training, you simulate a shot, but with no ammunition in the barrel, and it just "clicks". This is a great way to check your technique even during your competition without actually firing a shot. In addition, dry training offers the opportunity to "warm up" a little before your first sharp shot. Here you can run through all of your processes (target path, pulling off, follow-up, ...) seriously before the first sharp shot comes.


Preparation time and trial shooting:

During the preparation time, only attack exercises (hold and dry training) may be simulated, but not shot yet. During the trial shooting, any number of shots may be fired within the given time.



Target path describes the path that your weapon covers on the target. The more even your target path, the better your shooting results will be. A SCATT device is the perfect aid to make the destination path visible.

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